Event Photography

I photograph events. In 2022 I moved from a pair of Nikon D4 cameras and lenses to Sony mirrorless and never looked back. The D4 is one of the best cameras Nikon ever made, but its 16 megapixel sensor size was becoming a problem. It was 10 years old and lacked eye focus, tracking features, higher ISO performance, etc. All the rose images here were taken with a D4.
The mighty Sony Alpha1 51megapixel camera with Sony 24-70mm f2.8 GMII lens is an event shooter’s workhorse. Shown with short (black) zoom lens.
The 33 megapixel Sony Alpha7-IV with 70-200mm f2.8 GMII lens. Shown with long (white) zoom lens. Any event requires two cameras, two flashes with at least one spare, and lots of batteries for all.


Orvis School of Nursing UNR
Friends of Black Rock High Rock 2022
Friends of Black Rock High Rock 2023
Friends of Black Rock High Rock 2025
Apex Accelleraator (formerly PTAC)
Bruno’ Country Club Gerlach
Miner’s Club Gerlach